Bury me deep inside your heart

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beatifullieDec 11, 2008

Awwwww!!!! \:D \:D \:D "Beast Master"... Its so cute story !!!! I hope that u´ll do it WELL !!!! \:D Oh do you know results,yet ? But don´t worry !!! Only 15 minutes?! Ouu... But you´ll do it!!! \:D \:D I mean 10th VK´s episode.. So how are you? \:D Hugz

aaaaaaacDec 11, 2008

YES!!!!! MY COMMENT IS THE BEST ONE \:D \:D \:D I LOVE U SIS \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

beatifullieDec 9, 2008

Hi Maru!!!!! \:D "Beast Master".... O_o \:wub\: \:wub\: OMG!!!! AWWWWWW That boy looks SO CUTE !!!! \:wub\: But he realy looks like as L !!!! Today is late but tomorrow I´ll ay start reading it !!! Thank you soooo much for it !!!! \:D \:D BTW Now is new VK episode!!! And how are you? Hugz \:D

beatifullieDec 7, 2008

Ummm...manhwa?? Realy quaint name for it... Oh Thanks for explanation it. \:D \:D I watched some pic from this and some frst pages from chapter 1.... "I'm at end of your sight" Cute boyz!!!!! But its looks funny.. \:D BTW You are always reading best manga,as goth. They aren´t very popular but realy kakkoii!!! \:D \:D \:D Hugz

beatifullieDec 7, 2008

Hehe.. Maru!!! \:D You catch up with download all "VK" episodes in a few days!!!! \:D \:D \:D Yea, I did read any new manga... But I don´t know whether new episode came in last week. So I don´t know whather now its new... \:D And I read manga and watched anime, too... \:D And how about you? Hugz \:D

beatifullieDec 6, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D I wish you rich Santa Nicholas!! Yea!! In "Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi" they remainds me to Zero and Ichiru, too. \:D OMG but 2 season of VK looks like realy different.. I don´t know why, but maybe coz secrets slowly unshrouds. Madona??!! Oh...Poor you.. I hate this xerotic mummy. \:eek\: \:mad\: I don´t want would it. Oh my week wos super. The worst days I wosn´t in school.... \:D So I didn´t have any chemistry or geography!!! wohahahahh!! \:D \:D And How about you? Hugz \:D

beatifullieDec 3, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D \:D I'm realy fine. OMG these twins??!!! I agree.. hehe one twin is cuter than the other \:D \:D \:D "Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi"...here they look so mysterious as vampires \:ph34r\: and of course as cute vampires \:D and "Rinne Rondo" so here they wos realy kawaii!!! \:D \:D \:D I wos drooled when I wos watched it. \:ph34r\: \:o And their blueeyed faces... And how about you? What do you think about it? I seen new episode... but by that time I seen it only in japanese. \:D \:D \:D Hugz

beatifullieDec 2, 2008

Oh!! \:D \:D Thank you so much!!! And your banner is kawaii, too...\:wub\: \:wub\: L & Light... Realy good choice!! \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieDec 2, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D Luminor??? \:eek\: Luminor left Cinema Bizarre ? \:eek\: Oww ur favourite.. Um... Don´t worry, we happy!! I know the movie "Twilight". But I didn´t watch it, yet. And who are singers of the VN opening ? Of course I didn´t know it.. T-T... BTW Did you watch new Vampire knight episode? And how are you? \:D Hugz

aaaaaaacNov 30, 2008

\:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 28, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D I´m glad, when it wos helpful. \:D Now I don´t know, becose Kuran is Yuuki´s brother and she is his fiancée... But zero...Now he doesn´t looks all right... The first I thought that Zero is best for she, but Kuran Kaname corrects oneself. Kaname is dangerous cute.. But Zero is cute appetizing! \:D \:D \:D But in purebloods family is marriage flowing. In past wos marriage between siblings flowing too... I think it isn´t good...I don´t know what I can think about it, becose I didn´t see it in real life, yet....And whats new? \:D \:D \:D Hugz

beatifullieNov 25, 2008

BTW... Code geass is very kawaii.. \:D \:D \:D When u like stories about future or whit japan, its for u... \:D And Whats wrong ?? \:confused\: \:\( Crush whit Bill? Awwwwwww Maru, don´t worry.. It´ll be better.... Do u know it... Dooon´t worry, We happy!!!! This song or what is it, Its for better feel..... \:\) \:\) \:\)

beatifullieNov 25, 2008

Yea Kuran and Yuuki are siblings. \:D I think that Kanme say "I would be happier if we were real siblings" only about as... Ummm but.. eh...They are absolutely siblings becose Kuran sayed Yuuki that " Our parents are siblings, too " Sooo maybe Its only bad subs ... I only think.. When I thought they were alike, too \:D \:D \:D And what do u think? Who is better fot Yuuki ?? Kuran or Zero?? \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 24, 2008

\:D Of course I watchet it. \:eek\: \:wub\: Awwwwwwww this episode...Yay!! For this I love vampires!! How can I help you? What do u want ask me ? In chapter 45...Cute Kaien, cute, I think too.. \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 24, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D \:D Weekend been super!!! thanks .. But now is school.. so Im not ok... Stupid geography..omg ...And how are you ? How was ur weekend? Heheheh Its nice when u like chinnese wall .. Oooh my avatar.. Thank u...She is C.C., from Code geass, I love she... C.C. is realy kawaii and \:D \:D \:D \:D Christmas!!!!!!!! DVD of TH .. heheh good idea, u are real TH fan \:D \:D \:D Hugz

beatifullieNov 20, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D So ur first place is Italy.. \:D Germany.. of course ..TH \:D \:D \:D Oh BTW I went to Spain long ago vacation.I can´t forget on this vacation. \:D \:D \:D aaaaaw and Japan..Oh...U are invite on my wedding \:D And u can to meet Kenichi in person too... I don't worry about this becose I trust U And u can call on us any time... \:D And ur future.. biochemistry, pharmaceutical or have a degree in chemistry OMG u are sooooo clever!!!! And I only don´t have brains for chemistry... \:D Heh U want be real traveller. Its nice. And what with Chinese wall?? \:D \:D So good luck whit Tokio hotel´s concert ... \:D Hugz

SpaciKathyNov 19, 2008

Hi, thanks for your lovely comment you leave on my *Painting Set 1*, I'm sooooooo happy you like it. THANKS!!\:D I wish you a very nice day, SpaciKathy!!!

beatifullieNov 18, 2008

Hi Maru!! \:D yea..my siiims... \:rolleyes: \:eek\: \:\( omg but now I have realy kawaii sims´s page whit gothic lolita fashion !!! I can give u this page if u will want it.. \:D U couldn't finish ur stuff?! \:\( Ooooh but u have soo cute stuffs.. And Oh no I don´t live in Bratislava. \:D I live in Martin...( Only one shopping center so It irritate me \:D \:D \:D but leastways one shopping center is better than nothing ) \:D heh I would liike to live In Japan.. whit my future husband Kenichi and I will be drawing best manga stories \:D \:D \:D This is my small crazy dream.. \:D And Where would you like to live? And Do u have some dreams ? Hugz

beatifullieNov 17, 2008

And By the way ... Thaaanks so much for ur comment!!! \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 17, 2008

But slovakia is realy unadvanced country. We have only one big town and Its Bratislava. Its horrible !!! Stupid country.... Hahhahahha Ur sister fell off of the chair!!?? OMG So It wos realy gooood concert. She bear out it. \:D \:D \:D \:D My day? BAD!! Becose I instaled the sims2 apartman life but my "astounding" PC ungovernableness it... \:rolleyes: .... So I must uninstaled it.. And My all saved game is away....\:rolleyes: \:eek\: hugz

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